
Topic : How do you define yourself

Speaker's name : Lizzie Velasquez

Duration : 13 minutes

Words and phrases I learn

1.impaired (adj):damaged or weakened
ex.He was given a ticket for driving while impaired by alcohol.

2.prescription (n):a piece of paper on which a doctor writes the details of the medicine or drugs that someone needs
ex. These drugs are only available on prescription.

3.amniotic fluid (n):the liquid that surrounds the embryo of a mammal, bird, or reptile inside its mother
ex. The baby wasn't digesting the amniotic fluid properly.

4.scrub (v):to rub something hard in order to clean it, especially using a stiff brush, soap, and water
ex: She scrubbed (at) the mark on the wall for a long time, but it wouldn't come off.

share my thoughts on the talk

The main idea of this talk might be what defines us. But what most inspired me is how optimistic Lizzie is. Although facing rare disease,she never lost her enthusiasm for life. I feel like she was shining there when she gave this speech. I was really touched by how brave and strong she was.
And let's talk about the topic,what defines us,now. The most thought-provoking sentence to me in this talk is," You are the one who decides what defines you." No matter how I look like in other people's eyes ,only me myself know who I actually am. Thus,I always tell myself to ignore other's critics and be myself all the time after watching this video. And I would like to recommend this inspiring talk for all my friends.


  1. This talk is so encouraging. I think i'll use this in my class next semester. Thank you for recommending this to us, Annie.


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